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Search results for: "IMPRESSIONS"

271 results found.

3 pages of results.
... used with permission} "A few years ago I was ministering in the nation of New Zealand and I was given an open-eyed vision that startled me, yet it has left a life-long impression upon my life. I saw an enormous fiery angel full of the glory of the Lord walking up and down the nation. He was brandishing a mighty sword that was beheading those who were standing tall in ...
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... and it hasn't started doing the next day's work. And your flesh has already rested from the last day. And it isn't hurting so bad you couldn't hear. Then is when you begin to get the light impressions. Then is when you need to listen. At first you need to write them down …" == == == == == == CONCLUSION == == == = ...
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... . Right now. Meet you at the joy bubbles. Pop. == == == == == == EXPERIENCE: Today, when I was ministering to a lady, I had the impression the angels were going to bring her joy bubbles. I told her that the Lord was going to restore her joy and that He was going to send her angels with joy bubbles. So, I started ...
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... , and through unusual body movements. He lives inside of us, there is no doubt about it! QUICKENED PARABLE: While at Wallmart, I noticed a little boy with his Mom. I somehow had the impression that he was smarter than most. Evidently, after I passed them, Wayne saw him trip and fall flat. When they caught up with me, the little boy was whimpering: "Mama, I ...
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... the inside corners. The other 2 he placed in the middle. UPDATE: I was joined in a prophetic rhema team of 4 for several years until the man hours required became too cumbersome. I was very impressed by the Ben Hur parable and at least on the team He had me yoked with, it wasn't too hard to figure out which was the fast and which was the slow horse! I thought it quite ...
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... am going to let the Holy Spirit do His work." So he anoints my forehead with the sign of a cross and walks about 20' away and watches. At that moment I had a very strong impression that the Lord was saying to me, "You ARE a sign." I was laughing with this since I had just been "marked" on my forehead as a sign! I was waving my ...
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... I did was sing my prayer. I did not take authority, strive, sweat, or carry on. I just sang my heart to the Lord about her in a very simple manner. This made an impression upon me, because the Lord had been telling me for many months that His priests were sweating. In scripture the priests of the Lord were not supposed to sweat. (Ez 44:18) I ...
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... the floor to the ceiling, in one corner of the room, spreading out on both adjoining walls. There was a person sitting at a keyboard in front of this mass of computer equipment. He had the impression it was an operating center, extending outward to the world. [I wondered if the Lord was saying that the baby would go on the Internet and teach people about deliverance.] == == ...
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... turn away. (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.) HEARD: Dare to dream big. IMPRESSION: I was thinking about there are 2 kinds of faith. Each man has been given a measure of faith and that grows line upon line, as we hear and receive His Words and are confirmed. ...
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... DREAM: SOAKING PRAYERS FOR HEALING I had the same dream several times last night where we were praying over a loved one for his healing. We were asking the Lord to touch him more. I had the impression that these were soaking prayers of just asking for His Presence to melt through his layers and increase his capacity to receive, like stretching a wine skin to hold more. WORD TO PONDER SOAKING PRAYERS 2/ ...
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... It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." (Matt 5:13) Every time I have read that scripture throughout the years, I can't get passed the impression that being trampled underfoot by man is a warning of war. Whether this is a spiritual war or a physical war and to what degree this touches our children, is still at stake. This is the ...
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... have heard bells like this is when there was a royal wedding or coronation. I couldn't quite figure it out. In one way I believe it's for everyone no matter where they are, but I suddenly felt impressed to ask people everywhere to pray for the UNITED KINGDOM. Bells to Ring for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Then someone emailed me and said, "It's the Queen's Diamond Jubilee on the 5th of June." ...
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... (6 ) Dream (6 ) Eye Glance (5 ) Feeling (2 ) Game (13) Gestures (1 ) Gifts (16) Graphics (2 ) Headlines (1 ) Hearing (7 ) Impressions (2 ) Laughing (2 ) Mouth (9 ) Music (1 ) Numbers (2 ) Page Numbers (2 ) People (3 ) Perception (3 ) Photography (1 ) Prophesying (22 ...
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... for two. 12/02/19 MORNING DEVOTIONS TEA WITH THE LORD Group hug. You are important to us. The value of a daughter. A lifeline. Come into My chambers. I had the impression of 2 cozy chairs with a little round table. Refreshment. Appetizer. Tea is served. Song 1:4 Draw me, we will run after you: the king has brought me into his chambers ...
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... manner, which is more like experience via perception in my mind's eye than seeing a vision by observation. I am used to experiencing seeing visions instead of seeing things in my mind's eye. Then I had the impression of going to my Art Journal pages and counting to the #17 painting in that directory. I didn't know which one it would be. Ah this one fits perfectly!!! Eph 1:18 ...
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... (prâios) Search for G4235 in KJVSL ; in KJV . p???? prâios, prah' os a form of G4239 , used in certain parts; gentle , i.e. humble:— meek. adjective I had the impression of the same doggie perky and excited almost wanting to jump up to his master. I can clearly understand the difference in demeanor and how excitability is an obstacle in being calm and submissive in order to hear ...
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... use. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (Passion Translation NT) My brothers and sisters, when I first came to proclaim to you the secrets of God, I refused to come as an expert, trying to impress you with my eloquent speech and lofty wisdom. 2 For while I was with you I was determined to be consumed with one topic — Jesus, the crucified Messiah. 3 I stood before you feeling inadequate ...
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... home. Finally the last scene was at some kind of a Christian retreat. I heard the Lord say, As you function like a green press, your life will begin to flow out. I had the impression of olives being pressed to make holy anointing oil. Then I saw the husband raising his hands and exclaiming, "Oh I feel wonderful! All my children are saved and the gifts of the Holy Spirit ...
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... :3 Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; 10/13/06 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STRETCHING AND ENLARGING I heard the name Jabez and saw a rubberband. I had the impression of a rubber band being stretched out, then when let go, it bounces right back into place. I heard, Maintain what you have obtained and the Lord brought back the memory of the scripture: ...
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... manner, which is more like experience via perception in my mind's eye than seeing a vision by observation. I am used to experiencing seeing visions instead of seeing things in my mind's eye. Then I had the impression of going to my Art Journal booklet pages that I made and counting to #17 in that directory. I didn't know which one it would be. Ah this one fits perfectly!!! Ephesians 1 ...
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... All the doors flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off!" ( Ac 16:26-27 NLT) CONFIRMATION QWN MEMBER 9/15/16 This morning while waiting on the Lord, He impressed upon me that we are called, like Abraham Lincoln, to SET THE CAPTIVES FREE. The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the ...
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... and tools for masses. FEMA recognized what they were doing and were amazed at their order and function and provision; they kept asking who are you and who is backing you???? They were so impressed they started pouring government money into the operation. People stood in line at the distribution spots and merely asked what they desired and the runners went to their organized piles and retrieved them! (When I heard ...
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... said I saw your daughter, she walked away with a man, holding his hand but it is all right. I did not have a telephone. I had to use a pay phone. The Holy Spirit impressed me go to church that evening and I told everyone and we gathered to pray after service. Just as we finished praying, the church's phone ranged it was my daughter's grandmother asking if I was at church ...
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... 3 of them had regular meetings in the owner's office regarding strategy and care for Nyquist. (The owner, the trainer and the jockey.) The unity behind Nyquist's win was quickened to me and I felt impressed to look up their names. Many times the Lord will quicken people's names as prophetic signs to my hearing ears. The jockey's name means: Mario – Latin name meaning hammer Gutierrez - possibly from a Spanish ...
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... of my visions and desire it every day. 3/21/16: BETTER TUNED TO HIS FREQUENCY I am here. The hearing of the ear. Your hearing is distinct beloved. [I had the impression of a rabbit with long ears. I had a vision of that years ago when the Lord promised me big ears to hear Him.] A rapid recovery, to bounce back. Yes a word pun ...
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... swatches of color, the samples of paint to choose from. One was black and the other 2 were really dark shades of smoky grey. Extreme make over. The whole house. [I had the immediate impression of the White House.] It's your choice. Enter in. Essence of drama. I saw the same color swatches, the one was dark smoky grey and I saw the identical colored clouds were rolling ...
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... . (A scripture, or something the Lord has said to you.) SANDY'S RESPONSE TO ASSIGNMENT: I wrote my response to the Bible study before posting the lesson or reading other's responses. I was really impressed by the fact that Moses was stirred when he saw injustice in how the Egyptians were treating the Hebrews and then later when the shepherds drove the daughters away from the well. It bothered him so much that ...
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... that reassurance. HEARD AND SAW: Come sit with us. I saw a pair of hands on a table and they were handling some papers. Although I saw that in the vision, I had the brief impression there was a signet ring on the right hand even though I didn't see it. I have heard a lot this month about the counsel in heaven and wondered if this was that. Deliverer. How to ...
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... when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it. They demonstrate that God's law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right. IMPRESSION: Walking in the Spirit is like learning to ballroom dance with the Holy Spirit, where He is the leader and we are the followers. For males that are more logical than intuitive, and also type ...
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... way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. IMPRESSION: I had the form and movement of a bowler come to mind as they press their bodies forward to move and advance, and then follow through with their arm as they release the ball down the lane ...
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... seeing God's perspectives on matters that shake us. confirmation 5/28/11: The following QW came out tonight that speaks about keeping the right perspective. RHEMA 1/31/11 KEEP YOUR PERSPECTIVE RIGHT IMPRESSION: I suddenly had the sense that I had my gold rimmed glasses on my face even though it was night time and I was in bed. PIX: I saw a pair of black rimmed glasses taken ...
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... it links people, all over the nations, all over the world. I see the numbers and I see the map where people are all over the map, all over the globe that are watching and it's impressive. What really impacts you is when you go. I was just in Taiwan the week before. And people from Mainland China come over to Taiwan and tell you that iBethel TV is their life line and ...
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... . They are the highest kind of angelic beings I have yet seen. Their most outstanding characteristics seem to be their great power, high intelligence and great size. Of tremendous brilliance and high glory they give the impression of great age compared with the other angels. They were bringing to me a tiny, tiny cloud that was identical with Him in His immense Cloud. This tiny tremendously reduced yet identical cloud they brought to ...
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... possibly 2-3 years or steps. I saw the same time-line in the height of the corn field. When I see and hear things, I almost always receive the interpretation with it. However this was only an impression. WORD TO PONDER: NEW HARVEST OF 5 FOLD MINISTRY COMING 3/19/10 I AM growing up a brand new harvest of people called into the 5-fold ministry. They will be empowered and sent ...
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... the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." EXPERIENCE: I went to a healing conference and someone saw dots on me and asked me what I thought they were. My first impression was trigger points. I was thinking about places on the physical body where the nerves connect and they can become sore and tender. CONFIRMATION: Later the minister was introducing his team and their places of expertise ...
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... foretaste of the blissful things to come] groan inwardly as we wait for the redemption of our bodies [from sensuality and the grave, which will reveal] our adoption (our manifestation as God's sons) . IMPRESSION: God usually speaks in the natural and the spiritual and it is my intercessory perception that if there is a climaxing division in our political views in the land and/or civil war among Christians between the ...
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... saw a huge giant come up out of the ocean and put his first foot upon some large rocks on the land. He was massive. When he wondered if it was a beast, the word giant was impressed upon him. He had no idea I had heard about giants the week prior. == == == = RHEMA 5/08/08 NOTES BOBBY CONNER said that we are about to see ...
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... to swirl around the Father on the Throne. I heard the Father say, "I am about to fulfill covenant promises. Promises made long ago so stir up your faith and call them forth." My impression was that this is the year of new beginnings. The #7 meant that things were complete and now the new can come. There are many people who have had covenant promises made to them so long ...
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... , purse, coat nor the isles where I had walked while on the phone. I was thinking how it was interesting that the little girl next to me in church had wanted to see my glove and was impressed that this must also be a part of the Word. I felt it was a sign that He is removing the cover to make the lightning rod power of His hand manifest by throwing away the veil of ...
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... a normal day dream, is very similar, on the inside of their thoughts and not with their literal eyes or behind the screen of their eyes. I have heard another call this visualization. I am not impressed with that word either, but that word does describe the act of seeing our thoughts as moving pictures on the screen in the mind. I believe there IS a difference. THE PROCESS OF "SEEING" ...
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... erratic and didnt know whether it was too hot or too cold! Immediately I sputtered and laughed out loud. It was so hilarious to me and I knew God was smiling at me. The following scripture was impressed on my heart: Rev 3:15-17 NKJV "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot . I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm ...
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... when we overcome, judgments are handed down and we are acquitted. PIX: I saw all these purple strings in the prayer room. They were attached to mylar balloons that were floating above. I had the impression that they were attached to purple heart balloons, which represents heroes of courage who have gone through great battles. HEARD: Finding hellos, not goodbyes. Oh they were shining. Relevant. Truth. Adopted ...
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... so perfectly, that I knew it was a divine sign.. And this took place on Day of Atonement, and I had been praying for His quickened color for a couple of months. So I had the strong impression that the color for the year was Sage green, and I said to myself.. (and God must have heard me) ... "I am not going to say Sage green is the color of the ...
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... was visiting a prayer meeting. When I came into the sanctuary my eye glanced at the 2 banners at the front: Restore the foundations and Rebuilding the Ruins and being the Repairers of the Breach. It was impressed upon me that these 2 Words were a commission of destiny. Later when I mentioned the 2 banners and the commission to one of the intercessors, she mentioned that the last banner was never made. I ...
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... You are not done yet! You shall not be moved. HEARD: Heart's aflame. I have stirred you with living coals. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. IMPRESSION: I had the feeling that the living coals was the passion of gathering with other believers, especially the youth. CONFIRMATION: When we shared around the circle after prayer, one of the youth said that ...
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... am known." (1 Cor 13:12 KJV) HEARD: He might be a reason to heal. Fellowship. Repair. PIX: I saw a person ministering to another person. I had the impression that I knew their circumstances and they been through individual soul traumas. The first person had recovered and was ministering to the other. EXPERIENCE: I was praying about these things of being transparent and made the ...
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... a knife being drawn out of its long sword sheaf. I then saw a knight go down on one knee. HEARD: How to pray. QUESTION: Lord do I need to pray out loud? IMMEDIATE IMPRESSION: The Holy Spirit downloaded me with the memory of these 2 scriptures: John 11:41-43 NKJV And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me ...
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... an open palm of a warm safe shelter for their hearts. Stay faithful and you will always have friends no matter what age. Phil 2:3-8 NLT Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. Your attitude should ...
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... . They are the highest kind of angelic beings I have yet seen. Their most outstanding characteristics seem to be their great power, high intelligence and great size. Of tremendous brilliance and high glory they give the impression of great age compared with the other angels. They were bringing to me a tiny, tiny cloud that was identical with Him in His immense Cloud. This tiny tremendously reduced yet identical cloud they brought to ...
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... from injury when catching and handling prey. (18) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 14] EAGLE ? S OTHER SENSES 1. The eagle's other senses are less impressive. The eagle's sense of hearing is comparable to that of humans. Its outer ear openings are located just behind its eyes and covered by a layer of feathers. (19) 2. The eagle seems ...
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... only for myself but needs to be shared. Last week I had so much heaviness after reading a prophecy spoken on God's upcoming judgment. I really began to seek the Lord concerning this heaviness, these are the impressions I received. First I was given a given a picture that led me to the story of Jonah. Next the Lord directed me to Rev. 2 with emphases on verse 4-5, "Nevertheless I have ...
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... is the choreographer, unifying the hearts into kindred and liberating worship of our Beloved. 17] Power Over Performance, How Do You Worship? Thought to Ponder by Sandy Warner The Pharisees.. lived to perform the best impression. were perfectionists in appearances. prided themselves in how they performed. found their identify in what they produced. Because of this, they.. felt badly when they botched a performance. worried about what other ...
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... gift of healing last night. I told him about the first time I went to see Kathryn Kulman. It was my first exposure to people being slain in the Spirit as well as people getting healed. What impressed me the most in the meeting, (and it became a life long seed planted) was that I realized I didn't need the gift of healing because if I could hear God then anything was possible, ...
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... 9:4 And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Why think you evil in your hearts? PRIOR TO PERCEPTION IS ELUSIVE, VAGUE AND OBSCURE I used to think that perception could be interchanged with words like: impression, sense, inkling, clue, hunch, notion. Those words are more vague and abstract and difficult to explain. Years ago I remember someone asking me some questions. When I answered I didn't know ...
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... heard a voice say that I needed to make myself available and receive this visitation of the Lord Jesus. Then I saw a light on the corner of our property, shining in the darkness. I had the impression that something baring light was approaching our property. Then I saw cloven tongues of fire. The speaker had spoken the words, "Lord Jesus." Whoever was approaching had light, and the tongues of ...
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... ] For several years the Lord has brought my attention to pennies on the ground. At first I thought it was unusual, especially when I was not looking for them. It wasn't long before the Lord started impressing me that one cent was His Word pun for "One sent." Every time I would see these little tiny treasures just waiting for me, it became a love gift of His precious promises. I ...
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... around my shoulders because of a sudden cold snap as the first prophetic event begins to unfold. I was awakened by the sensation that the covers were being pulled away from my shoulders. Half asleep, my first impression was that my wife was trying to rearrange the covers. However, she lay quietly sleeping by my side. Quickly I turned to the other side of the bed, and it was at this point that ...
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... following is a quote from a tape of his vision. "One step at a time we were driving them back and we thought we were winning. The battle was bloody and ferocious. We had the false impressions that we were winning the end time battle. All of a sudden we reached a certain point and could not proceed any further. We could not understand what had happened. We realized the Lord had stopped ...
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... /11/11 DIVING DEEP HEARD: They are calling a meeting to make foundational changes. vision: I saw a person who dove off a huge cliff into the ocean depths. And then I had the impression of being suspended in air between the cliff and the water as though waiting with bated breath. UPDATE 3/11/11 JAPAN EARTHQUAKE 8.9: THE DAY OF TROUBLE: I said to a friend on ...
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... . When I read this above passage in connection with dark light, I noticed that Balaam mentions his eyes are OPENED and UNCOVERED. These terms are words of God's clear light fully made manifest. I had the impression that Balaam made note of this because he was not used to seeing so clearly. He received a true revelation from God and knew the difference. Scripture warns about going astray in following Balaam's way. We ...
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... , prevail upon, press, peptalk, encourage, animate, stimulate, impel, instigate, inspire, provoke, rouse, hasten, recommend, caution, warn, alarm, enjoin, entreat, charge, impress, preach, lecture. HE SPEAKS THROUGH THE GIFT OF EXHORTATION {As quoted from the book 101+ Ways God Speaks (And How to Hear Him) The gift of exhortation is the ability to inspire ...
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... three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment. When I ponder the Word picture of being hidden in Christ, I had the impression of a cloud cover moving in over a region, where those above the cover cannot see down through the clouds. Anyone who is has flown in an airplane understands what that looks like. And then I ...
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... upon them. SEAL NT:4973 NT:4973 sphragis (sfrag-ece'); probably strengthened from NT:5420; a signet (as fencing in or protecting from misappropriation); by implication, the stamp impressed (as a mark of privacy, or genuineness), literally or figuratively: KJV - seal. NT:5420 phrasso (fras' so); apparently a strengthening form of the base of NT:5424 ...
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... , prevail upon, press, peptalk, encourage, animate, stimulate, impel, instigate, inspire, provoke, rouse, hasten, recommend, caution, warn, alarm, enjoin, entreat, charge, impress, preach, lecture. == == == = JESUS' EXAMPLE OF PROPHESYING A WARNING AND JUDGMENT Matt 23:37-39 NKJV "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and ...
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... it was so light. He was whiter than the whitest of whites. I was climbing transparent stairs; Underneath I saw gushing waterfalls. As I approached my Father in paradise, His body was pure light What impressed me the most were His gigantic hands – they were full of maps and events. Then He told me to memorize thousands upon thousands of wisdom words on a scroll that didn't look like paper, but more ...
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... ground and go up towards heaven. PIX: I saw something like a canopy tent go over the top of me. HEARD: He's there. A warrior. QUICKENED REMEMBRANCE: I remembered that I'd had the impression the other day of a very tall warrior angel standing directly behind me. HEARD: Have a home. A booth. Rock solid. Kind of like a fortress. Only better. Wife. Tucked inside ...
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... THE NAME OF JESUS, OUR GREAT KING, OUR LORD AND OUR SAVIOR!! Sis. Ching Co God's Bondservant 14] A Word About The Sieve From Nancy Smith - The Lord has been impressing upon me to share this. One day, during worship I received the word "sieve" ...and about a week later I was reading the Word and came across the words, "threshing floor" several ...
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... church and doing a little remodeling or changing some things in the church. Outside, the men were building a wall that seemed to be a wall for protection. It was not yet completed and I had the impression that it might eventually end up going clear down the driveway to the street. The wall was so high that you couldn't see over it. Thinking we all needed a break, I said, "We ...
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... ] The early Jewish activity in science can be found in the Hebrew Bible where some of the books contain descriptions of the physical world . Biblical cosmology provides sporadic glimpses that may be stitched together to form a Biblical impression of the physical universe. There have been comparisons between the Bible, with passages such as from the Genesis creation narrative , and the astronomy of classical antiquity more generally. [30] The Old Testament also ...
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... little girl came up and took hold of my hand and just held it for the longest time. After a while she let go. She never said a word to me. After she let go I felt impressed to look at my hand. It had gold dust on it. I then asked her to hold my other hand, when she let go it had gold dust on it too. As I started showing ...
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... now. Vision given to Jeff Ching (Mercy Seat Church in Lynnwood, WA.) 3/25/99 Part I I saw a very large mass of intercessors stuck in what I was impressed to be miry clay. I saw different people struggling with this miry clay, most were engulfed up to their hips and some up to their arms. I noticed that they struggled in vain not being able ...
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