Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~

We are Not Stormed, but Formed




HEARD: I used to give SO much. I just want you to rest. Where is your focus? Focus on God. It's all about entering in and being still. There's no place I'd rather be then in the arms of God.


What do you see? No way to communicate. There's a spiritual storm coming. Stay plugged into Me.


PIX: I saw an earphone put into an ear.


HEARD: We will not be stormed. We will be formed. We are just starting. It's been more than a wonderful thing. His keeping power.


PIX: I saw a big plug in with a phone wires going in different direction.


HEARD: Are you tired? He gives abundantly all you can ask or think.



In the days to come, it is important that you stay plugged into Me. Listen for My voice in all that you do and see and say. In every spiritual storm, know that you will not be stormed, you will be formed. I am much bigger than any storm and My keeping power is all that you need to know. I will give to you even more abundantly than all that you could ask or think. So now My love, come to Me and stay safely in My arms of love.


In other seasons you were more productive, and perhaps you feel you are giving less now. But I want you to learn to rest in My arms. Put your focus upon Me, it's all about entering in and learning to be still in My love. You will soon find there is no place you'd rather be.


In My arms, I will lovingly hold you. You are safe in My arms. In My arms, I will hold you near. You are safe in My arms. Be still now……and rest in My arms of love.


“And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19:11-13 KJV)




Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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