Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~


Within the amazing journey of the Monarch butterfly, when the caterpillar has eaten its fill and grown to about 2 inches, it attaches head down onto a convenient twig, then sheds its outer skin and begins the transformation into a pupa (or chrysalis).

The pupa or cocoon resembles a waxy, jade vase and becomes increasingly transparent as the process progresses. The caterpillar completes the miraculous transformation into a beautiful adult butterfly in about two weeks.



HEARD: On wings of change. That's what it is. Tomorrow's fasting. Pretty soon this place is going to have a reputation for butterflies.



"…When the Lord gets ready to do something, He does it in the heavens. In 87 this supernova came. It came on 2/20. You didn’t realize it, but boy you were appointed to a death; that is Galatians 2:20. "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

"A death started working in you like the cocoon of the anointing. You were like worms that crawled around on the earth. You didn’t get any higher than the plants you climbed on. But all of a sudden you began to get wrapped up in the anointing and you began to die. All of a sudden you were totally bound. You were totally restricted by the Holy Spirit. You didn’t get anything you thought you were going to get. You had preset ideals of what you thought you were going to be. You stayed there in that cocoon and year after year went by. And what you haven’t realized - You’re not the same person that went into that cocoon. You did some dying in there and some changing.



HEARD: The tomb, the tomb. Little one, you are in the tomb. All these things I'm fighting in the tomb. Loneliness, despair, hope deferred, sadness, grief. Fight back until they know the strength of your will. When it's no , IT'S NO!

Where is the Lord God of Elijah, Elohim my redeemer, my friend? Coming in enrichment, enlargement and glory. Stone rolled away from the door. Walk out of the tomb. New life. Metamorphose. Butterfly. A big one. Unfurling. Cocooned. (I literally sneezed as I heard this.)

VISION: I saw a blue butterfly.

HEARD: Huge. Precious fruit of the earth. I'm waiting. The tomb of isolation. No more. Resurrection. Wait. Coming. Glare. Light. Blinding. Power. One by one come unto Zion. My blue butterfly.

Covered in your tomb. Warm blanket of love. Soon emerge. A blue butterfly edged in gold. Wait.




{Words to Ponder are summaries of His quickened Words}


I have fed and fed you when your ravenous appetite has yearned for My Word. Because I have brought you through many outward changes, your growth has been visible to all around you,

There comes a time when these outward changes lessen and I begin to work on the inside of you. During this time I surround you with a warm blanket of My love and I separate you unto Myself. It is like being inside a cocoon, as you cling desperately to Me, your Vine of hope. Yesterday’s food grows deeper within you. The world does not witness what is taking place. I AM working many changes in this hidden place. I work upon your mind-sets, your will and your motives. I bring your soul, body and spirit into alignment with My Word, My mind, - the mind of Christ. The world sees little of this, but deep inside your being, these changes are lasting and sure, for I establish My own.

Dear one, you may feel isolated and separated as I do these inner workings within your soul. You may feel upside down. You may feel like you are the tail and not the head. The expectations of your promises are waiting to be fulfilled. Yes it is hard to wait, and wait, you have. Wrapped in the tomb of waiting, all you know is that I AM God and I AM in control. It is OK, precious, allow My anointing to have its way in your heart and life. Die to the idols of the soul and yield everything to Me. Nuzzle into My blanket of love. Soon you shall burst its seams in resurrection power. Do you know your tomb of waiting is really My womb of birthing? Break through is coming and you, My love, will be birthed.

Ps 42:11 NKJV

Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me?

Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.

Ps 49:15 NKJV

But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, for He shall receive me.




Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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