Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~



One night as I was ready to go to sleep I kept asking the Lord if He had anything to say to me. I heard nothing.  Then I asked again.  Finally, I wasn't being very adult, and was really begging Him like a kid would do.  One more time, I said, “PLLLLEEEEEASE Lord?” 

VISION: I saw the lines in a frownie face. The lines were being redrawn from the lips going down, to upwards in a smile. I laughed out loud and said Goodnight!


I AM going to turn you right side up. One day, those frownie faces that do not become you shall turn into delighted smiles!

NKJ Mark 11:24

“The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.”  (Prov 27:7 KJV)



[Lord, it’s me again.  Please forgive me for nagging You so much, but I really want to hear from You.]

HEARD:  Words in My mouth. 

[Lord, You mean it’s not nagging?]

HEARD:  Exactly the opposite.  I am drawing you. 



NOTE:  I thought this entry rather humorous; it was before I was given a writing ministry. 

EXPERIENCE:  After hearing so little of late, I have grown very hungry and have been knocking continually for several days.  Upon waking from another blank night, I asked the Lord what was going on.  I thought of many possibilities, but nothing was planted in my heart.  Then when I was getting ready for the day I heard the Lord say, “Encouragement.”  That was it. 

I left for errands and then received the strangest Word.  I was at the grocery store and heard the phrase, “Maybe she ought to know.”  I had the distinct feeling that either the Lord or some angels were speaking something about me.  At that exact moment, a bakery lady with a giant clear plastic sack of fresh bread walked past me, carrying the bread over her shoulder.  This was really quickened to me but I did not know why.  Then later as I was driving home, I drove behind an “oversized load” truck on the freeway.  I kept thinking about that oversize bread sack the lady was carrying and wondering what I was supposed to know.  Well I haven’t heard Him in days, I guess He is trying to send me encouragement. 

[HINDSIGHT NOTE:  I think God has a tongue in check sense of humor!]



HEARD:  Importunity.  Declare delivered.  Make merry and be glad.  Up and out. Through.  Finished.  The end.  Amen.  Blessed ones.  Waiting for God.  Thank you. 



“…Don’t talk to Him with the religious jargon.  Just talk to Him with the truth, He already knows what’s in your heart.  If you had a bummer day, tell Him about it.  If you are having problems, tell Him about it.  You enter into the Presence of the Lord with faith, truth and inner honesty.  These are 3 things that get you in there.  First faith, then truth and be totally honest. And you are going to come into the Presence of the Lord.  But I like to cultivate it.  Through the years.  It took me a while to get into it. But I believed and I kept seeking until I found.  If you seek you will find.  If you knock, the door will be opened to you.  And sometimes my greatest knocking was silence.  Shutting this off.  (head) And you can, and listen.  When it first starts, all these other phones in your mind are ringing all the time.  And sometimes you don’t hear until about 3 oclock at night when all the other phones have gone off.  At 3 o clock at night this mind of yours is not doing the last day’s work anymore and it hasn’t started doing the next day’s work.  And your flesh has already rested from the last day.  And it isn’t hurting so bad you couldn’t hear.  Then is when you begin to get the light impressions.  Then is when you need to listen.  At first you need to write them down…” 



{Words to Ponder are summaries of His quickened Words}


I can hear you knocking, dear one.  I told you that you shall find Me if you seek Me.  So why do you frown?  Do you think I am lost?  Smile, precious!  I am not lost, but I do hide Myself.  I draw your heart to earnestly seek Me with all your heart, so that you will know Me in all My ways.  How I love to reveal My heart to those who are truly hungry for Me.  Do not feel guilty about your tendency to nag until I answer.  I am drawing you and developing within you the habit of searching for Me, so that you will learn to abide in Me, and not stray from My side.  I know that once you “catch” Me, you will never let go! 

Luke 11:9-13 NLT

"And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened.  For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.   "You fathers--if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead?  Or if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion? Of course not!  If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him." 




Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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