Sandy Warner

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Keywords:  Intercession, Teaching, Prophetic puzzle



Hi Loved Ones,

One of the blessings of being a prophetic intercessor is partnering with the Lord as He brings His kingdom plans on earth. He reveals His secrets, and then the intercessor gets to pray and stand for it to come to pass. In the opposite arena, the intercessor may see or hear what the enemy has planned and can pray and war that it does not happen. There are also places of in between, hanging in the balance, and the Lord shares what will happen if things don’t change. That is where the prophetic intercessor stands in the gap interceding and even negotiating. Part of the prophetic training is learning to discern the difference between these three areas of what one sees and hears.

Prophetic intercessors are given glimpses of His plans. No one person has all the pieces, and our pieces are meant to join together so that we can see the larger puzzle. Another part of prophetic training is learning to discern the timing of things the Lord shares. It is one of the hardest things to get right. One might hear and understand exactly what the Lord is saying, but not understand when it will take place. So I share this with you, hoping for your grace to allow my little piece of His puzzle at this "time."

The past few weeks the Lord has been talking to me about graduation. And as always, He uses the natural to demonstrate the spiritual issues in our lives. My son just graduated from high school a few weeks ago. His graduating class suffered the tragic school shooting in May of last year. There were several reminders of the tragedy during the ceremony and as I scanned the large audience I could feel an ache in the hearts the people. As I was thinking of the fact that so many lives, old and young, had been directly affected by this, I heard the Lord tell me that I was graduating too. I began to wonder about that.

I remembered a vision I saw in the mid 80’s of a huge field. On the field was a long line of graduates. As I watched, I saw more graduates still coming onto the field. Dressed in cap and gown, they were being lined up in rank and file, from the tallest to the shortest. The shortest ones appeared to be children, although the line was so long, and I saw this from an above view, so I really don’t know how tall they were. I perceived as I looked at them that they were "younger" in the faith.

As I pondered the idea of graduating, I have come to understand this is no small graduation. Three generations have been circling the wilderness for 40 years and those who are left of Generation X, the Baby Boomers, and their parents, are preparing to cross over and possess their promises. An interesting Word of the Lord emerged during the graduation ceremony. The choir sang "Bridge over Troubled Waters." My husband leaned over and said that he had graduated to this same song from the same school 28 years ago. I then remembered performing the song at my own high school. Grandma Anna (my Mom) was there with us, and together with the graduates, we represented 3 generations circling in the wilderness. During the song Anna was thinking about Generation X. Suddenly she saw a vision of the x turn on its side into a + (plus) sign, in other words, a cross. I asked her if she knew the song they were singing, but she couldn’t understand the words. I knew her vision together with the song was a prophesy to us about crossing over troubled waters into our promises. And some promises have been up to 40 years in waiting. The following is a portion of the song’s words. (I am sorry not to have the writer’s name of this song.)


I'll be your bridge over troubled water

When you’re down, when you’re down.

I will carry you like a bridge over troubled water,

I will lay Me down.

When you’re weary, feeling small

When tears are in your eyes.

I will dry them all, I’m on your side.

When times get rough

and friends just can't be found.

Like a bridge over troubled water,

I will lay Me down.

When you’re down and out

When you’re on the street.

When evening falls so hard, I will comfort you.

I'll take your part when darkness comes

and pain is all around.

Like a bridge over troubled water,

I will lay Me down.

Sail on silver girl, sail on by,

Your time has come to shine,

All your dreams are on their way'

See how they shine!

Oh if you ever need a Friend,

Look around I'm sailing right beside.

Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind,

Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind,

I'll be your bridge over troubled water

I will carry you like a bridge over troubled water

I will lay Me down, lay Me down.

[end of song]

I have seen this prophetical bridge several times. This bridge (built by the intercessors and those who have stood in the gap) is a safe crossing over a span of time, connecting an interval between the old and the new thing the Lord is doing upon the earth. (For reference, I sent a post on 4/23/99 about this bridge, which is now filed at my site under 1999 postings.) I think the song speaks not only of Jesus being our Friend and carrying us, but also the intercessors forming this bridge. Anna’s vision of Generation X turning into Generation Cross is also filled with meaning. One of the applications that comes to mind, is what the enemy wanted to X out will turn into history’s greatest demonstration of the power of the cross of Jesus Christ.

In closing, I would like to thank my parent’s generation for preparing the way for my generation and children to come into their promises. Many years ago Anna received a vision where she saw herself spanning a huge chasm. She was laying down like a bridge, and holding on with her fingers on one side, and her toes on the other. Many people were crossing over the chasm, walking upon her back. The Lord told her that He was making her a bridge, and that was a part of her calling. She had no idea what that meant at that time. But she, along with other faithful intercessors have stood for a very long time, waiting, and waiting, and waiting… faithfully and tenaciously hanging onto the Words and promises of the Lord… standing and believing against all odds that He is faithful to perform that which He promised. Thank you Anna, and thank all those faithful ones who have paved the way for us. We may be surrounded by troubled waters but I believe our crossing will be safe as we graduate and come into Canaan.

"And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan." (Josh 3:17)

