Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~




HEARD SONG: Plug her in, plug her in.



COMMENT: This was a funny Word! They have a commercial about the "Plug ins" that smell good when you plug them into a wall socket. The commercial song says, "Plug it in, plug it in." I had been thinking about being on the ministry team for an upcoming Paul Cain conference at the time I heard this song.


CONFIRMATION: I received a phone call filling me in on the various instructions for ministry teams for the conference. After I got off the phone that song, "Plug her in, plug her in" floated into my mind. I was tickled at this reminder from the Holy Spirit. He brings all things to remembrance. (John 14:26) Thank You Lord!


HEARD: You're welcome!


COMMENT: I am very happy about this Word, because I remembered Bob Jones' Word about the 220 plug needing to be plugged in before His supernatural show began. We also have a lot of rhema in the past about being plugged in. 220 power is double portion power.





During this conference, I have had the most unusual Holy Spirit feelings. During each service, I have felt strength all during ministry, and then promptly after the last person I'd prayed for, my legs would suddenly turn like rubber and they'd feel as though they had a strong muscle relaxant or something like strong wine. I would wobble up to the hotel room and lay in bed with my legs totally effected in this way. I have never been drunk before, but this is probably how it feels in the muscles. This has happened every service during this conference, with my being fine during ministry and then after the last person my legs turn to rubber and I can barely make it to my room. I have never had this sensation before.




HEARD [at the conference]: Double portion anointing. I have given you a deposit. Once you have it, obedience is important. You're heavily armed. Be careful. Use your weapon wisely. It is not necessary for all occasions.





Tonight during worship as I was looking straight up at the ceiling I noticed a 220 wire right above my head. The Lord immediately reminded me of the rhema this month where I heard the commercial song, "Plug her in, plug her in." When I had heard that I was reminded of our hearing about the coming show and the only thing we were waiting for was that the power to be converted to 220 and be plugged in. Bob Jones also mentioned this great show coming. So I was pondering this as I was looking up at this huge wire.


I suddenly wondered if there was a parable to where I was standing and if I was standing somewhere near the plug. I followed the wire across the ceiling and down the wall. I noticed that it went to my left and out of sight around the small wall where the overhead projector was. Then I looked to my right and noticed another wire was going out the opposite direction, and then another one straight in front of me going out at a 90 degree angle into the room. I didn't see any plug so I said, "I guess there is no parable!" Then as I was worshipping again my head went back and I noticed that my arms were up in the air exactly between 2 huge cords hanging down from the ceiling. This stopped me in my tracks. I turned around and gawked at my feet. I had been standing directly in front of a the huge plug in the wall and that is why I hadn't seen it! I knew it was a confirmation for the double portion!





This last powerful service, as I laid in bed expecting to feel rubber legs, I noticed my legs were just fine and that I had walked to my room without any problems. Then I realized my hands were inebriated and they also had strong tangible power surges going through them. It felt like electrical current of some kind. This lasted about an hour. I told Grandma Anna this and held her feet so she could feel what I meant. She felt the surges coming through my hands. It was the most interesting feeling and I have never had inebriated hands before! I told the Lord I really liked this especially since I was able to walk!!




For many years, you have waited along the sidelines. Faithful in your calling, you have blessed My house. You have earnestly awaited My promise of power. The countdown is here, My love. This is the final day.


Stay awake My love, for your time has come. I will give you My power, I fill you to the depths of your being. The lamp, once lit by 110 power has been replaced. I shall fill you with supernatural 220 voltage, enough to charge yourself and others as you walk in My supernatural. All you have waited for is at your door step. I have given you My deposit.


Whatever you have seen or heard in the days of old, is now replaced with twice the power. Look at that cord coming down from heaven! It is 220 power plugged in and ready for use. It's there, it's available. Simply plug into My power and use what is already installed. Stay obedient and prepare even now, for I AM going to reveal the greatest show ever witnessed on earth. A double portion is promised for the last days. Let the curtains rise. Turn on the power. Let the show begin!


"And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon Me." (2 Kings 2:9)




In the prayer room, when we first gathered and held hands in a circle, pastor said, "Charge us Lord." When he said that, I saw that we each were like batteries and our holding hands were like the battery cables and He was flowing in a circled current and charging us.


At the end, the sax player said he saw various people in the prayer room with large 220 plugs in our backs. Then he saw the fuse box and some hands pull down the reset lever and open the power. He said that some of the faces became so bright you could hardly see them. I was especially touched because he was unaware of the promise of this double portion power promise. And he did not even know the kind of plug he saw, all he could do was describe it.


I have been earnestly waiting for the double portion power for many years, standing and keeping His Word and promises close to my heart. I have written a lot about the 220 power.


UPDATE: The word electricity came from the word elektron, which is the Greek word for amber. Ancient Greeks used amber to create static electricity. In prophetic terms, the color amber represents the glory of God.





HEARD: Crossroad. In My Father's house, I go to prepare a place for you. Incidentally, His house is divided into 3. It still is.


[I had been thinking about the the outer court, inner court and Holy of Holy's yesterday]


Ready to go. Shy mobile. What happens. A whole lot of things. Show.


PIX: I saw the current of electricity moving.

[I saw it in the spirit actually moving]


HEARD: 220. What's it like? A foretaste. Apostolic faith. Official. Touch. I left you a note.


COMMENT: The note has to do with the story I put in the book about finding the note saying, “Now is the time.”


PIX: I saw the peeking under a flap.


HEARD: Hiding. Assurance. It's coming to you now. Touch you. You've got to be kidding! Window's heaven. 220. Throw on the switch. He paid the price.



Awake My love. Much has been put into place while you were sleeping. “What is this?” you question. The lamp, once lit by 110 power has been replaced. The intercession is completed with the cord and plug updated.


Whatever you have seen or heard in the days of old, is now replaced with twice the power. Look at that cord coming down from heaven! It is 220 power plugged in and ready for use. It's there, it's available. Simply plug into My power and use what is already installed. Prepare even now, for I AM going to reveal the greatest show ever witnessed on earth. A double portion is promised for the last days. Let the curtains rise. Turn on the power. Let the show begin!



“And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon Me.” (2 Kings 2:9)





For many years, you have waited along the sidelines. Faithful in your calling, you have blessed My house. You have earnestly awaited My promise of power. The countdown is here, My love. This is the final day.


Stay awake My love, for your time has come. I will give you My power, I fill you to the depths of your being. The lamp, once lit by 110 power has been replaced. I shall fill you with supernatural 220 voltage, enough to charge yourself and others as you walk in My supernatural. All you have waited for is at your door step. I have given you My deposit.


Whatever you have seen or heard in the days of old, is now replaced with twice the power. Look at that cord coming down from heaven! It is 220 power plugged in and ready for use. It's there, it's available. Simply plug into My power and use what is already installed. Stay obedient and prepare even now, for I AM going to reveal the greatest show ever witnessed on earth. A double portion is promised for the last days. Let the curtains rise. Turn on the power. Let the show begin!


“And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon Me.” (2 Kings 2:9)



Acclimatized to His Anointing

RHEMA 8/7/99 Becoming Acclimatized


Bob Jones said that those who minister in the strong Presence of the Lord will have to learn how to stand in the power of it. The Lord told me He was soaking His anointing through my layers, deeper and deeper. At first, every time the Lord came close, I would tremble and shake and if I heard His still small voice, I would radically shake. I am getting more acclimatized now, one layer at a time.



The anointing of the trembling is changing again. Now I can feel it start to build inside, and it wants to explode, but it is like a feeling underneath that stays dormant on the outside. It feels like it is just going to burst and then doesn't. He still gives me these sensations in various degrees. Sometimes it is a violent burst, sometimes it is gentle. Sometimes it comes very fast, and sometimes it is as though it is in slow motion. Sometimes after worship or prayer and I am being still before Him, I can feel it and I feel as though I am highly sensitized to His Presence and the least little thing will set me off like a volcano ready to burst. It is hard to explain, but this is the best I can describe.


[Lord what is this new thing I am feeling with Your anointing now?]


HEARD: Acclimated.


(Synonyms are adjust, conform, adapt, accommodate.)



The anointing that you are experiencing is My precious gift to you. Sometimes it is experienced like a violent trembling. Other times it is so deep within that only brief glimpses are felt like gentle surges. Listen to My anointing and become acquainted with My Presence. I want you to become acclimatized. Sometimes My anointing is like a deep building volcano. Deep within it surges and builds almost to the point of explosion, then it goes deep once more to a feeling of dormancy. Sometimes these surges are very fast, other times it is almost in slow motion. You will notice that as you spend time in worship to Me, that you become highly sensitized to My Presence and the least little thing may bring a bursting eruption. Enjoy this delightful time in Me! I have purposes in your future that you know not of. For now I want you to know Me in this tangible and warm way.


“May the glory of the LORD last forever! The LORD rejoices in all he has made! The earth trembles at his glance; the mountains burst into flame at his touch. I will sing to the LORD as long as I live. I will praise my God to my last breath! May he be pleased by all these thoughts about him, for I rejoice in the LORD.” (Ps 104:31-34 NLT)




Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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